Arduino vs. Raspberry Pi

Arduino vs. Raspberry Pi
Arduino vs. Raspberry Pi

Your next Arduino vs. Raspberry Pi tech project idea is excellent, but you don’t know where to start. Raspberry Pi or Arduino—which is perfect for you? Although both are great, there are some crucial distinctions to consider. This post will explain the pros and cons so you can choose the right board. I’ll discuss computational power, usability, community support, and more. You’ll discover how to choose between these two popular boards whether you’re new to DIY electronics or an experienced maker. Continue with me and you’ll be ready to prototype and develop your next creation in no time!

Raspberry Pi vs Arduino: Key Differences in Processing Power

The main difference between Arduino and Raspberry Pi is processing power. Arduino boards use microcontrollers for motor control and sensor reading. Raspberry Pi can host a web server or play HD video since it runs an operating system on a microprocessor.


Arduino employs C/C++-based Wiring, a simpler programming language for novices. Raspberry Pi supports Python, Scratch, Java, and others. Although Arduino is easier to use, Raspberry Pi supports more advanced coding tasks.


Arduino supports sensors, motors, and actuators better. The analog and digital I/O pins can directly control these devices. A sensor board is needed to connect Raspberry Pi to most electronic components. Raspberry Pi is superior in connecting keyboards, mouse, displays, and Wi-Fi adapters.


Arduino is great for robot control and interactive exhibits. Raspberry Pi is superior for weather stations, magic mirrors, and retro gaming consoles that need more computer power and networking. Some work can be done on either board, but one may be better for you.


Compared to Raspberry Pi, Arduino boards are cheaper. Arduino Unos, their most popular model, cost $30. Raspberry Pi 4s with 4GB RAM cost $55. Raspberry Pi features built-in wireless and Bluetooth communication, thus it doesn’t need Wi-Fi shielding. Thus, both platforms may have similar project costs.

In the end, Arduino and Raspberry Pi have advantages. The correct decision for your project depends on processing power, programming skills, compatibility, application, and budget. Experience will help you choose the right board to realize your ideas.

Which is easier: Arduino or Raspberry Pi?

Arduino is a little easier to use than Raspberry Pi. Arduino was created to make electronics and coding easy for novices. The software and hardware are easy to install and use.


The Arduino IDE is easy to install and use. The interface is simple and lets you write, build, and publish code to your board. Beginning programmers utilize C/C++ with reduced syntax. ###Hardware Arduino boards feature fewer components than Raspberry Pi and labeled inputs and outputs. Plug and prototype with the boards directly out of the box. No peripherals are needed to blink an LED or read a sensor.

However, Raspberry Pi takes more Linux knowledge to boot. You must be conversant with the command line and system settings to install Raspbian on an SD card. GPIO pins need breadboards and jumper wires to connect components.


After setup, Raspberry Pi allows for more complex projects. It can execute Linux apps and desktop interfaces due to its more powerful processor and memory. Raspberry Pi is better for advanced robotics, home automation, and IoT projects.

For complete novices and younger pupils, I recommend Arduino. Simple tasks like blinking an LED, sensing the surroundings, or controlling motors are easy to start. Raspberry Pi is better for advanced smart device makers. You can eventually use either board with patience!

Comparison between Arduino and Raspberry Pi Processing Power

Arduino and Raspberry Pi processors differ greatly. The Arduino has an 8-bit microcontroller, while the Raspberry Pi has a 64-bit quad-core processor.

Microcontroller vs. Microprocessor

An Arduino board has a microcontroller, a tiny computer with limited processing power and memory. It’s made for a certain job. A Raspberry Pi employs a CPU, a more powerful integrated circuit with a multitasking operating system.

Speed and MemorY

The Arduino Uno, a popular board, includes 2 KB of SRAM and 32 KB of flash memory for program storage and runs at 16 MHz. The latest Raspberry Pi 4 includes 1.5 GHz, 4 GB RAM, and a 64-bit quad-core processor. Over 200 times more processing power and 10,000 times more memory!

Programming Skills

The Arduino IDE is a beginner-friendly programming language. Starts easily but has limited capability. Python and other full-fledged programming languages can be used to program the Raspberry Pi, which has a steeper learning curve but more possibilities for complicated applications.


Under $30, Arduino Unos are affordable. The Raspberry Pi 4 costs $35–$55, depending on memory size. The Pi is more powerful, but the Arduino is better for beginners and those on a budget.

In the end, both platforms are wonderful for learning and creating fun and useful electronic projects. The choice depends on your project’s processing power, programming complexity, and budget. Start using Arduino to learn, then move to Raspberry Pi for advanced projects.

Which iS Cheaper: Arduino or Raspberry Pi?

Both Arduino and Raspberry Pi have merits and cons in terms of affordability. If budget is your main issue, choose Arduino.

Low Entry Cost

Arduino boards are cheap, $20–$50 depending on model. The most popular Uno costs $23. This low cost makes Arduino accessible to students and enthusiasts. The open-source software is free to download.

Additional Parts Add Up

Remember that Arduino is merely the microcontroller board. Sensors, motors, and displays must be purchased individually to complete a project. Although many components are inexpensive, the total cost might mount up quickly depending on project intricacy.

Raspberry Pi: Lower Cost, More Power

The Raspberry Pi costs $35–$55, more than an Arduino board. However, the Pi is a fully fledged small computer, thus it offers more for the price. The Pi can run Raspbian and Python, letting you program complicated applications with fewer parts.

Free Software

Raspberry Pi is open-source and free like Arduino. Official Pi operating system Raspbian is open-source. After buying the Pi board, you can construct projects without software licenses.

While the Arduino may be cheaper upfront, the Raspberry Pi offers more value if you need a full computer and operating system. Arduino is a cheap OS-free solution for small tasks. The complexity of your project will determine the best platform for your goals and budget.

Selecting Arduino or Raspberry Pi for Your Project

For new electronics projects, selecting between Arduino and Raspberry Pi can be difficult. It relies on your budget, technical expertise, and project goals.

Skill level

Arduino is great for beginners. It’s simple to use even for non-programmers. The Arduino IDE is easy to install and use. The Raspberry Pi takes greater technical knowledge to install and program. Raspberry Pi can be used with instruction by younger pupils, however Arduino is easier for independent learners.

Project objectives

Think about your project and which board is best. Arduino is ideal for controlling lights, motors, sensors, and rudimentary robotics. Raspberry Pi is superior for complex OS-dependent applications like weather stations, magic mirrors, and vintage gaming consoles. Raspberry Pi runs Linux and has faster processors, making it ideal for full-computer applications.


Arduino is more affordable. Arduino Unos, their most popular boards, cost $30. Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, their latest single-board computer, costs $35. Other components such a power supply, casing, SD card, and peripherals can boost the cost. Programming and using Raspberry Pi requires a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

Finally, assess your talents, interests, and project demands. Arduino and Raspberry Pi have their pros, but both may help you create and learn. You may discover a new electronics love by trying with one platform!


Your choice: Arduino or Raspberry Pi? It’s your call. Consider what you want to produce, how much you want to spend, and your maker goals. Simple projects with basic controllers work well with Arduino. Raspberry Pi powers sophisticated projects. Both have large helper communities. Starting to create is most vital. Take a board and jump in without thinking. Learn as you go. Enjoy your making however you start!

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